Can I Integrate My Service Department With My DMS?

By Jennifer Margettes - September 5, 2012

Yes, you can! Many small BHPH dealerships have small service shops around the back, offering standard oil changes and repairs for both customers and unsold vehicles on the lot. The shop adds value to the lot, because offering an on-site service department promotes customer retention. If they purchased from you, get their vehicle serviced by you, and pay you directly, they are more likely to come back to who? That’s right, you!


Now, the important part: accounting for the parts, repair orders, appointments, and customer payments. Does the service department currently hand write repair orders? Not keep track of parts being ordered? Don’t know what cost to allocate to which vehicle in inventory? You do have the ability to enter all of that information into one system, with Deal Pack’s Service and Parts module. In addition, Deal Pack’s real-time integrated accounting takes those transactions and updates the books with no fuss, no muss. You’ll be able to get real time reports, financials, and support. Give us a call for a demo today!

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